St John's & Regent's park
Hello everyone!
We’re Davit and Samuel, and we will be leading the John’s x Regent’s joint Christian Union. Our mission for our joint CU community is to see individuals from across both of our colleges come to a clearer understanding of who God is, and the amazing salvation that He offers us through His Son Jesus Christ. We look forward to welcoming you to our small but lively CU! It is a place where no matter what world view, background or nationality you are coming from, you will be given the opportunity to investigate who Jesus is and what the Bible says about Him. And hopefully, you will be able to see why we think that His news for the world is so good, life changing and relevant - even 2000 years later! We think that everyone should be given the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus for themselves, and so the CU is open to everyone and anyone, not just Christians!
We meet every Tuesday evening, alternating between both colleges, where we will have dinner together and then dive into the Bible! The Inter-collegiate CU(OICCU) also hosts a bi-weekly event called Equip, where we gather with other CU’s from across the university for worship. Moreover, in both of our colleges and OICCU more broadly, there will be so many different things for you to take part in each term, and so we encourage you to participate in as much as you like!
If there are any questions, or if you would like to get in touch with us before you arrive in Oxford, please do pop us a message by email.
We look forward to serving you in any way we can!
Samuel’s email: samuel.dickson@regents.ox.ac.uk
Davit’s email: davit.rickards@sjc.ox.ac.uk