Corpus, Merton & univ
Hi! We are Ben (Univ) and Annabel (Merton), and we are the reps for Merton-University-Corpus Christi Christian Union (lovingly nicknamed Muniv Christi). We're a friendly community with excellent culinary skills (genuinely we have all the best cooks). We pray, support and walk with each other in our faith journeys.
We have weekly Bible studies on Saturdays, generally in the evening, where we eat a home-cooked meal and then open the Bible together. We rotate around our different colleges, so one week is hosted in Merton, the next Univ and so on.
We love to attend OICCU's events together- in particular the gathering every fortnight called Equip. We also plan outreach events (generally involving food) so that we're visible to anyone in college who wants to engage with us.
If you have any questions, worries or just want to be excited at us, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Annabel’s email: annabel.philp@merton.ox.ac.uk
Ben’s email: benjamin.watson@univ.ox.ac.uk