trinity & wadham
Hey guys!
We are your Trinity x Wadham CU Reps.
Our names are Hannah (Trinity, Chemistry) and Abbie (Wadham, Chinese) and we are so excited to be helping with the CU in college for the upcoming year!
Our CU isn’t just for those who would call themselves Christians. For anyone who has questions or even if you’ve never thought about Jesus, we would love you to come along!
We have a weekly bible study where we share the word of God and enjoy good food together. We also meet to pray every week and love getting involved and encouraging our wider college communities to get involved in uni-wide OICCU events.
We also are both involved in local churches and can put you in contact with a friendly face from a variety of churches across Oxford!
Feel free to dm us at @trinityxwadhamcu on instagram or email us!
Abbie’s email: abbie.mochrie@wadham.ox.ac.uk
Hannah’s email: hannah.mckee@trinity.ox.ac.uk